Our Services

©2021 www.irvingpoolmaintenance.com

The Irving Neighborhood Pool Cleaners
Bonded · Insured · Licensed
Repairs & Upgrades
Filter Cleanings
Leak Detection Services
Weekly Pool Maintenance
Service Guarantee

A Starter Pool Maintenance Plan for Irving, TX

The Starter Pool Maintenance Plan is ideal for Irving pool owners who have a little time available in their weekly schedule to handle the necessary vacuuming and netting when convenient.

Read the chart below illustrating the service duties of What Our Tech Does vs What the Pool Owner Does for the Starter Pool Maintenance Plan.

Beginning at $149/month

What Our Tech Does

We vacuum your pool every 4 weeks.
We check your pool equipment.
We brush your pool (walls, tiles, steps).
We clean your pool sweep wall screen.
We keep your pool water healthy and purge any algae. Algae Free Guarantee.
We clean your automatic pool cleaner (bag / filter).
We backwash your filter on regular basis.
We help you monitor your pool operations by reporting any observations of pool issues.
We verify your pool cleaner function.
We analyze your pool water and apply the proper chemicals and minerals to keep your water in peak condition.
We empty your pump baskets and pool skimmer.

What the Pool Owner Does

Keep the pool equipment operating and approve repairs when necessary.
Net your pool.
Report to us any discoveries of swimming pool issues.
Vacuum your pool additionally when needed.
Maintain proper water level.

Things to Know

Required filter cleanings every season.
Monthly service fee is based on a 4 week billing cycle.
There could be extra startup charges for the first cleaning & treatment.
Comprehensive Pool Maintenance Equipment and Chemicals

Have little time? Try our Comprehensive Pool Maintenance Plan.

About Irving Texas Swimming Pools

In our weekly cleaning routes in Irving, TX we mostly see gunite pools but we see some fiberglass pools also. It is no surprise why this type of pool is so popular with Texas residents. Special features make them more attractive to own and maintain. For example, there are self-cleaning jets located on the pool floor that routinely blast water in all directions removing any piled up dirt and sand. Another favorite feature of Irving, TX pool owners is referred to as beach entry. This is a pool in which there is a slight slope all the way in.